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September 18 |
Living Life in Balance |
Page 270 |
"Sometimes we get confused and think that to live spiritually means that we are happy and get what we want, and that if we're not happy or don't get our way, something is out of balance." |
Living Clean, Chapter 3, "Spirituality Is Practical" |
For many of us, our lives get so much better so quickly in the early years of recovery that it's only natural to think we've found the key to happiness, unencumbered by life's difficulties. It's nice while it lasts, but ultimately, as one member puts it, "Life is more than killing time between meetings, and I eventually experienced hardships despite working a pretty good program." Life is not always fair--that's a fact. Sometimes we lose loved ones, homes, and relationships even when we're spiritually centered. The results of day-to-day life are not always what we would have hoped for. Nevertheless, we learn how to walk through situations by living according to spiritual principles. If we don't get the job we wanted or a long-term relationship comes to an end, we hold on and stay clean. Our world may still be thrown out of balance from time to time but, as long as we stay clean, we can survive sadness, disappointment, and uncertainty and return to balance again and again. We experience the full range of human emotions and marvel at the strength of our spiritual foundation. Life is in session, and we get to choose how we want to participate. |
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Today I will not equate my program of recovery with the circumstances of life on life's terms. I will show up in my life even when things don't go my way and remind myself how much I have to be grateful for. |
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